not that he will need it in jail, but still.
So the Atlanta Falcons took Micheal Vick to an arbitrator in search of getting back bonus money that was given to Vick. Now, I agree that the Falcons are entitled to some kind of compensation in lew of Vick's stupidity, but to win almost $20 million dollars? To me , that number seems kind of high. Please, don't get me wrong, Vick is a piece of garbage, but the reasoning behind the ruling makes me kind of cringe. It opens the door to all companies and employers to receive back funds given. From what I read, it sounded like the reason it was approved was that he was using the funds earned by the Falcons to fund the dog fighting ring. Now, I would bet that some of that money went to the dog fighting, but 20 mill worth? I find that hard to believe. At any rate, the reason for the ruling was said be be "inappropriate behavior". It was such a blanket ruling, that I fear that someone is going to take advantage of the situation. Technically, under that ruling, any employee that uses money earned from their employer, that is used in what is deemed "inappropriate", the employer can file a suit to reclaim the money. So, for example, a man rents a hotel for his mistress with the money he earned from work and his employer finds out, and deems it "inappropriate", they can attempt to regain that money and then some. That just does not seem right to me. They pretty much made it up to the employer what act is and is not appropriate. They whole situation just doesn't sit right with me. I know that I am waisting my breath though because the NFL PA will just appeal and get it over turned, but it bothers me that this type of thing can happen and no one involved can see the big picture.
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